Kim Addonizio is one of the stars of poetry in the West. She is one of our own, and few write with her brilliance and verve. I have been reading all her books, and find a surprising range of emotional tone and subject. (I recommend her novel Little Beauties, published by Simon and Schuster in […]
Wheeling Motel by Franz Wright New York: Knopf, 2009 91 pp., cloth, $26.95. Lucifer at the Starlite by Kim Addonizio New York: W.W. Norton, 2009 89 pp., cloth, $23.95. Refrigerate After Opening The novelist Denis Johnson said of an earlier collection Franz Wright’s poems, “They’re like tiny jewels shaped by blunt, ruined fingers–miraculous gifts.” I […]
A Writer’s San Francisco
I turned 60 this year, so my story will not be of interest to everyone! I began writing poems and stories when I was a girl and then at Mills College in the late 60’s. In the 80s and 90s, I was derailed from this path. THIS blog is my record of reclaiming my vocation […]