____. 2010. “Birds, Not [John] Cages: On Dean Young’s The Art of Recklessness.” Critical Flame.
____. 2012. “Amit Majmudar’s Heaven and Earth.” Verse Wisconsin.
____. 2012. “Man of All Seasons: George Keithley’s Poetry.” Redwood Coast Review.
Book Reviews
____. 2010. “Daneen Wardrop’s The Odds of Being.” Colorado Review’s Center for Literary Publishing.
____. 2010. “Marilyn Hacker’s Names.” Valparaiso Poetry Review 12 (1).
____. 2010. “Philip Levine’s News of the World.” The Adirondack Review.
____. 2010. “Shirley Kaufman’s Ezekiel’s Wheels.” Rattle.
____. 2011. “Poet’s Almanac: Dean Rader’s Work & Days.” Poetry Flash.
____. 2011. “Two Magicians and a Pyromaniac.” Redwood Coast Review.
____. 2013. “Musical Harvest: Christina Pugh’s Grains of the Voice.” Blue Lyra Review.
____. 2013. “Poetry Gondola: Fiona Sze-Lorain’s My Funeral Gondola.” Blue Lyra Review.
____. 2015. “Mary Mackey’s Travelers with No Return Ticket Home.” Smartish Pace.
____. 2015. “Rebecca Foust’s Paradise Drive.” The Mom Egg Review.